关于「 matters」的内容列表

Vitalik: The Ethereum priority should be to improve interoperability between L2 and L2

Vitalik Buterin said at the AMA event that the Ethereum priority should be to improve interoperability between L2, because there are not too many Stakeholders, everyone has a common interest, so the process will be much simpler. Then it can be scaled up to do more cross-crypto interoperability, even from cryptocurrencies to fiat currencies.

2025-02-20 08:26:47
Hong Kong Legislative Council Member Yan Gang: Hong Kong should have a say in the pricing power of virtual asset transactions

The Web3 and Virtual Asset Development Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Legislative Council held a meeting on November 19 to discuss the promotion of blockchain technology application and Web3 development. Business lawmakers Yan Gang proposed to combine the development of virtual asset indices and stablecoins in Hong Kong, so that Hong Kong can gain a certain say in the pricing power of virtual asset transactions. It is hoped that the SAR government will make further plans in this regard.

2024-11-20 01:48:57
Shanghai: Notice on the Cancellation of Ordinary Housing Standards

On November 18th, in order to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents, the city has cancelled the standard of ordinary housing and non-ordinary housing, and the tax matters related to individual housing transactions are as follows: 1. If the original value certificate of the housing is not provided for the transfer of housing by individuals, and the original value of the housing and the tax payable cannot be correctly calculated, the personal income tax shall be assessed an...

2024-11-18 02:35:35
The SEC has made "registrants who provide crypto-asset-related services" a priority in its 2025 review priorities

In its 2025 review priorities, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has listed "registrants who provide services related to cryptoassets" as a focus for review. This includes advisors who recommend spot Bitcoin ETFs and Ethereum ETFs. Inspections of registrants will focus on offer sales, referrals, recommendations, transactions, and other activities involving cryptoassets that are offered and sold as securities or related products, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum exchange-traded products.

2024-10-24 00:17:46
Announcement of Zhengshang Exchange on Matters Related to the Listing of Bottle Flake Futures

Gold Ten Futures, August 16th, bottle futures will be listed and traded from August 30, 2024 (Friday). The call bidding time on the day of listing is 8:55-9:00 am, and the trading hours are 9:00-11:30 and 13:30-15:00. Night trading will start on the evening of August 30, and the night trading hours will be 21:00-23:00. The first batch of bottle futures contracts listed and traded are PR2503, PR2504, PR2505, PR2506, PR2507 and PR2508. The margin standard for bottle futures contract trading is 8%,...

2024-08-16 09:49:35
Hong Kong lawmaker Wu Jiezhuang: Most Hong Kong-based Web3 companies have difficulty opening bank accounts in Hong Kong

On August 8, the chairperson of the Web3 and Virtual Asset Development Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Wu Jiezhuang, conducted a survey on the Web 3.0 industry this month and announced the results of the survey today (8th), finding that most of the Web 3.0 companies settled in Hong Kong have difficulty opening bank accounts in Hong Kong.

2024-08-08 09:16:51
Matters Labs has filed ZK trademark applications in nine countries, causing opposition from Polygon, StarkWare, and others

Matters Labs has filed ZK trademark applications in nine countries, and has raised objections from Polygon co-founders Sandeep Nailwal and Brendan Farmer, StarkWare CEO Eli Ben-Sasson, Polyhedra Network co-founder and zkBridge inventor Tiancheng Xie, and Turing Award winner and ZK-proofs co-inventor Shafi Goldwasser, among others.

2024-05-30 12:23:06
Matters Labs已在9个国家提交ZK商标申请,引起Polygon、StarkWare等反对

Matters Labs已在9个国家提交ZK商标申请,并引起Polygon联合创始人 Sandeep Nailwal和Brendan Farmer、StarkWare首席执行官Eli Ben-Sasson、Polyhedra Network联合创始人兼zkBridge发明者Tiancheng Xie,以及图灵奖获得者和ZK-proofs共同发明者Shafi Goldwasser 等人反对。

2024-05-30 12:23:06
Backpack: Volume Matters Phase 2 snapshot will be closed in 4 hours

On April 6th, the Backpack trading platform announced that the second phase snapshot of Volume Matters will be closed in 4 hours. If users wish to have their transaction volume counted towards TNSR airdrop eligibility, they need to:

2024-04-06 04:20:17
Backpack:Volume Matters第二阶段快照将在4小时后关闭

4月6日消息,Backpack交易平台宣布,Volume Matters第二阶段快照将在4小时后关闭。用户如果希望交易量被计入TNSR空投的资格,需要: 1.前往Tensor; 2.使用Backpack钱包完成一笔交易; 3.在Backpack网站上将钱包连接到任务日志(questlog)。

2024-04-06 04:20:17

7x24 快讯

17:50 2025-03-27
据官方公告,根据投票结果和尽职调查,币安将于 2025 年 03 月 28 日 05:00(东八区时间)上线 Mubarak(MUBARAK)、CZ'S Dog(BROCCOLI714)、Tutorial (TUT) 和 Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) 并开放以下现货交易对:MUBARAK/USDT、MUBARAK/USDC、BROCCOLI714/USDT、BROCCOLI714/USDC、TUT/USDT、TUT/USDC、BANANAS31/USDT、BANANAS31/USDC。
17:16 2025-03-27
据路透社消息,法国国有银行 Bpifrance 推出 2500 万欧元基金,用于投资法国新兴加密代币。
17:04 2025-03-27
YZi Labs将举办黑客马拉松,表现出色项目有机会获孵化与投资
YZi Labs 将黑客马拉松,关注人工智能和区块链驱动的金融科技解决方案。在 4 月 12 日举办线下黑客马拉松,4 月 13 日至 27 日举办线上黑客马拉松除了黑客马拉松。表现出色的建设者将有机会加入 YZi Labs 孵化计划,获得 YZi Labs 的直接投资。
16:37 2025-03-27
美国参议院银行委员会对Paul Atkins等提名人的投票具体日期待定
加密记者 Eleanor Terrett 在 X 平台发文称,据美国参议院助理透露,今天参议院银行委员会不会对 Paul Atkins 或其他提名人进行投票,这是惯例。提名人将被要求在投票前回答提交记录的问题。投票将在稍后进行,具体日期待定。
16:37 2025-03-27
Coinbase 宣布开源 MPC 加密库,并表示虽然这项技术已经有助于保护 Coinbase 资产,但通过将其开源来提高整个行业的安全标准。
16:28 2025-03-27
加密风投Maven 11旗下第三只基金完成1.07亿美元募资
加密风投 Maven 11 旗下第三只基金完成 1.07 亿美元募资,该募资规模高于最初的 1 亿美元目标,但低于预期。Maven 11 的首席投资官兼管理合伙人 Balder Bomans 表示,鉴于当前总体市场状况,资本提供者对风险投资更加敏感。
16:28 2025-03-27
Hyperliquid 在 X 平台发文称,ETH 存款、取款和现货交易现已上线。
16:25 2025-03-27
Tether跨链稳定币USDT0已部署至Optimism Superchain
Tether 跨链稳定币 USDT0 已部署至 Optimism Superchain,Optimism 宣布 USDT0 现已在 OP 主网上线。Superchain 是一个二层链网络,旨在通过 Optimism 的 OP Stack 扩展以太坊,部署 USDT0 有望推动 Superchain 吸引更多头部资产、应用和合作伙伴加入。
16:03 2025-03-27
Taproot Wizards:所有剩余NFT已售罄,预计将在24小时内向铸造者分发
比特币 NFT 项目 Taproot Wizards 在社交平台发文表示,“所有剩余的 Taproot Wizards 已售罄,最终结算价格为 0.31BTC。预计将在未来 24 小时内向铸造者分发 Taproot Wizards。”
15:57 2025-03-27
Jupiter推出Quick Accounts,支持即时无签名交易
Jupiter 宣布推出 Quick Accounts,据悉,Quick Accounts 是嵌入 Jupiter 的钱包,可进行即时无签名交易,并且支持以类似机器人的性能进行交易。
15:54 2025-03-27
美SEC候任主席Paul Atkins:若提名得到确认将会与DOGE合作
美国证券交易委员会主席提名人 Paul Atkins 出席参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会的确认听证会,他表示若提名得到确认,将会与马斯克的政府效率部(DOGE)合作。
15:54 2025-03-27
Circle 宣布推出 USDCKit,这是一个开发者友好的 SDK(软件开发包),供 PSP 集成和自动化 USDC 支付,支持大规模操作。 据悉,USDCKit 专为 Circle Wallets 打造,可实现跨境支付并通过稳定币简化资金运营。